Back on the Right Track


Brad grew up in South Arkansas, where he lived with his mother and stepfather. He grew up celebrating holidays, visiting his grandmother, working in his stepfather’s lawn care business and spending time with his sister.

Like many teenagers, he started breaking rules at home. He smoked marijuana, refused to do his chores and missed curfew. Even though he was involved in sports and earned good grades, his began to lose interest in those activities. Later, he and his former girlfriend had a baby together.

He was eventually arrested on minor drug convictions. He spent eight days at a Juvenile Detention Center, and was thankful to learn he would spend the remaining two months of his detention at Vera Lloyd as a resident of the Lewis Home.

At Vera Lloyd, he said, “We have good meals, I can continue my education and I have visitation with my family.” He has been doing well in school and has benefited from counseling, including substance abuse counseling. “Counseling has helped me overcome some of my anger about my father being absent in my life. It’s also helped me realize what a dead-end it is to use drugs. I understand that I need to make new friends and make smarter decisions when I return home,” Brad said.

“I had it good. I just made bad choices. I have to face the consequences.” He will return home in December and graduate in May. He will work to make new friends, not use drugs and be a role model for his son. He’ll work for his stepdad in lawn care. He plans to earn a degree in welding. His goal? He wants to work as a welder on an oil rig in Texas.

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