Over 100 Years of History

​Lulu Williamson joined with other women in Monticello, Arkansas, to open a day nursery in 1910, allowing women in the community to work at a time when there were few options for childcare. The day nursery changed to a more permanent place for children when abandoned twins were brought to Lulu for care. As more children were left at the nursery because of family illness or poverty, Lulu realized the need for a home for abandoned children in southeast Arkansas. It was through her perseverance and efforts that the Vera Lloyd Presbyterian Home for Children was established as a Presbyterian ministry in 1923.

Vera Lloyd of Marianna, Arkansas, contributed financial support for the mission with the stipulation in her will that the home bear her name. Annie B. Wells donated 1,059 acres of timberland near Monticello to provide a location for the campus. More than 100 years later, Vera Lloyd Presbyterian Family Services remains committed to our original mission of caring for youth in need, but has also expanded into providing services for families in crisis as well.

Boys and girls from all over Arkansas are served through residential care, emergency shelter, therapeutic group home and respite care. Youth are nurtured, cared for, healed from past trauma and given an opportunity to improve academic, social and independent living skills. They learn how to care for themselves and others as they prepare to enter higher education, begin careers and become productive adults.

Garden Party 2024 


Sunday October 20th

11:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Annie B. Wells Monticello Campus

745 Old Warren Road MonticelloAR 71655

Good Music      •    Good Food      •    Fun Games

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