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Social Wellness for Your Health

By Natalie Clark Tracey Bratton, LSCW Social wellness is about making healthy connections and developing healthy relationships. According to an article at the University of California, Davis at Student Health and Counseling page, “social wellness” refers to the...

Fitness for Mind and Body

By Natalie Clark Do You Focus on Fitness #4Mind4Body? Mental health is essential to overall health and well-being. Mental illnesses are common and treatable. Much of what we do physically, impacts us mentally, so it’s important to pay attention to your...

Why self-care is important

By Natalie Clark Is making time for self-care being selfish?  Tracey Bratton, LCSW I can answer this question in one simple word, “NO!” Taking care of yourself is not about being selfish. As a matter of fact, it’s actually quite the contrary. If you’re practicing...

How to Help Your Child Through a Tragedy

By Natalie Clark How to help your child through a tragedy Tracey Bratton, LCSW School shootings have become a major worry for children and youth across the nation. It’s important to keep the lines of communication open with your child to help him/her feel safe and...

Christmas 2017

By Kathy French Thank you for sharing your light! Have you ever complained about the chaos of Christmas and been secretly (or not so secretly) relieved when it’s over?  In the mad rush to celebrate and decorate, shop and visit, sometimes we lose the meaning. Here...

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Summer at Vera Lloyd

By Natalie Clark Vera Lloyd youth are already back in school, but thanks to you they had a great summer! We are grateful for the support of many foundations, churches and donors. Trinity Presbyterian Church and Holmes Chapel Presbyterian Church hosted pool...

We are proud of Vera Lloyd youth!

By Natalie Clark It’s the middle of May and we are getting closer to summer and the end of school. For four boys at Vera Lloyd, Ramon, Rian, John and Jerry, that means graduating from high school. In the United States, about 50% of youth in the foster care system...


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